Your Trusted Local Exploration Drilling
Partner in Ghana
We provide flexible, reliable, and cost-effective exploration drilling to the highest international ESG and HSEQ standards by leveraging our strong local expertise and worldwide knowledge.
GTS Drilling Ltd provides exploration drilling to the mining and exploration industry in Ghana using modern high-performance drilling rigs and equipment and world-class operations.
GTS Drilling Ltd is a 100% Ghanaian-owned and operated company providing drilling works to major, intermediate and junior mining companies operating in Ghana.

Our Services

Reverse Circulation
Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling is the most common drilling method used by our customers. This type of drilling is typically done to depths of up to 400 meters and produces a hole size Ø 140mm.
Diamond Core
Core drilling is a method of collecting samples from the earth. A hollow, diamond-impregnated bit cuts into the earth until its barrel is full of core sample. Drilling mud is pumped down to lubricate and cool the bit, while also acting as a medium for lifting cuttings to the surface.
Deep Directional Navi Drilling
GTS Drilling provides deep directional drilling for senior and intermediate mining companies in Ghana. The company uses software to plan and navigate DDD holes before carefully drilling multiple branches, which can take months but result in significant savings compared to conventional core drilling.
Grade Control
Grade control drilling is used in open-pit mines to define ore grades and also provides knowledge for mine planning and blasting. Grade control is typically drilled to optimal depths of 48 meters using hole Ø 125-140mm. This information is critical to reducing waste rock (dilution) in concentrator feed as dilution can vary greatly.